
  • 酒庄
  • 德文·帕尔著
  • 2024年4月9日
  • 53988
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德文·帕尔著 2024年4月9日

当我们听到“除了霞多丽什么都可以”(ABC)的人群时, we can’t help but wonder why—with so many different styles 和 expressions depending on where the grapes are grown 和 how the wine is produced, 我们相信有一款霞多丽能满足每一个味蕾的需求.

One of the top places in the country to 经验 this versatile wine grape is none other than the ag体育正规. 其中包括钢铁, mineral-driven, 凉爽的气候和丰富的瓶装, 成熟的白葡萄酒与热带水果的日子, Chardonnay lives up to its chameleonlike potential in the h和s of 纳帕’s talented winemakers.

We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite places in ag体育正规 to sip Chardonnay. We promise that even the strictest of ABC devotees will find something they like in this lineup.


3331 St. 圣海伦娜公路北. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)963-2636

图片由 石头的山

藏在高处的宝藏 春天的山它的岩石斜坡,坐着 石山葡萄园—one of the first post-Prohibition wineries built in the ag体育正规. 这里有火山土壤, 石灰石子层, 朝向东北的位置, 石头的山’s terroir is perfectly suited for growing their preferred style of Chardonnay grapes. Sip their storied Chardonnays at their newly redesigned Residence estate. 带着它的温暖, welcoming mid-century modern aesthetic modeled after 石头的山’s original Chardonnay label design, 这种独特的纳帕体验非常值得上山旅行.

内幕消息: 石头的山 Chardonnays are unlike the oakier varieties in California. 因为它们是桶陈化的, 没有苹果酸乳酸发酵, 石头的山 Chardonnays are like liquid gold—bright 和 fresh with hints of pear, 苹果, 还有柠檬皮.


8300 St. 海伦娜公路,卢瑟福,CA 94573, (800) 588-0298

图片由 Cakebread酒窖

第一种酒 Cakebread酒窖的创始人, 杰克和多洛丽丝蛋糕, 1973年成立酒庄后推出的是霞多丽. 50多年来,他们不断完善自己的工艺, this iconic winery continues the tradition of producing beautiful examples of Chardonnay from their vineyards tucked within the cool Carneros appellation. Cakebread Chardonnays are known for their delightful acidity 和 notes of 苹果 和 pear, of which you can try yourself during one of their seated tasting or tour 经验s.

内幕消息: 不要错过预订Cakebread酒窖霞多丽品酒会的机会, which celebrates 50 years of producing some of 纳帕’s best Chardonnays. 在这个公共的品尝过程中, 你将品尝四个单一葡萄园, 限量发行的瓶子, each highlighting interesting differences to help hone your palette—和 your love of Chardonnay!


加利福尼亚州AG体育平台州巷1119号,94599,(707)944 -1986

图片由 Goosecross酒窖

这个家族拥有和经营的酒庄位于 AG体育平台 is known for its dedicated hospitality, welcoming atmosphere, 和 world-class wines. 到风景优美的甲板上啜饮 Goosecross酒窖只有在酒庄才能找到精心酿造的葡萄酒, 包括勃艮第风格的ag体育正规霞多丽, made from Dijon clone fruit from the winery’s Corrotto Vineyard on the 纳帕 side of Carneros.

内幕消息: Members of the three-tiered wine club enjoy complimentary tastings on the “Club Patio,再加上其他津贴, 这使得它成为Goosecross小制作的粉丝们的必选之作, winery-only组合.



亚视旅游Hess Persson庄园
亚视葡萄园游. 图片由 赫斯·佩尔松地产公司

跳上一辆豪华的亚视来一次教育之旅 酒庄之旅 还有品酒 赫斯·佩尔松地产公司. 这个家族在ag体育正规的酿酒厂 山Veeder 也可能因为它的三级赫斯收藏而闻名 艺术博物馆 就像它的雌狮霞多丽一样. 驻足欣赏高度兼收并蓄的当代艺术, 和他们的艺术总监一起参观藏品, 或者预订 味觉之旅 经验, a guided museum tour followed by estate-exclusive wine tasting paired with three-course seasonal bites.

内幕消息: Hess Persson is one of the few ag体育正规 wineries that offers a h和s-on 混合的经验—in it, you can play winemaker for the day 和 create your own custom blend to bottle 和 take home.


1960 St. 海伦娜公路,加州卢瑟福94573,(707)257-5749

图片由 博留葡萄园(BV) 位于加州卢瑟福

这里有一个多世纪的酿酒历史, 比尤利葡萄园 (“BV” for short) has long been known as an iconic ag体育正规 wine producer. 而 赤霞珠 这家酒庄最出名的是什么葡萄, of which BV produced one of the earliest “cult” Cabernets in the region, 啤酒酿造了几种不同品种的葡萄酒和混合酒,值得注意. 事实上, it was one the first producers in the area to start making distinctive Chardonnay from Carneros. 今天, BV makes several different Chardonnays from single vineyards 和 blends from throughout the region, 每一款都展现了经典的品种特征和风土的多样性.

内幕消息: Because of the winery’s history in crafting exceptional Cabernet wines, most of the tasting 经验s offered are focused on Cabernet wines. 把你的注意力转移到霞多丽上, it’s best to reach out to the winery directly to ask about a customized tasting 经验 for your group, 甚至是虚拟的品尝体验, 你可以在舒适的家里做什么.

绿洲由Hoopes - Hoopes葡萄园

加州纳帕市华盛顿街6204号,邮编94558,(707)944 -1869

Oasis by Hoopes
图片由 Oasis by Hoopes

由第二代老板林赛·霍普斯领导, who learned about farming 和 cultivated a deep respect for ag体育正规 terroir through her father Spencer, Oasis by Hoopes 是一个远离日常生活的温馨之地吗. 不仅仅是一个酿酒厂, this regenerative farm 和 animal sanctuary is a family- 和 pet-friendly destination for wine fans young 和 old to immerse themselves in California wine culture. 在这里, you can sip multiple vintages of Hoope’s Genny’s Vineyard Carneros Chardonnay, 这是一种将旧世界的生产和农业方法结合在一起的方法, 恭敬地向纳帕的风土致敬.

内幕消息: 一个完整的葡萄酒之乡度假, 预定在Hoopes农舍的住宿, 19世纪90年代风景如画的农舍,最多可睡8个人, 设备齐全的厨房, 池, 和环绕门廊俯瞰果园和葡萄园.

马亚卡马斯葡萄园 & 酒庄


这处历史建筑的历史可以追溯到1889年, when it was built into the side of a dormant volcano crater in the shadow of 山Veeder. Known for their incredible consistency through generations of ownership, 也反映了经典的酿酒传统, 马亚卡马斯葡萄酒因其卓越的品质而广受赞誉. 他们的霞多丽也不例外, regularly heralded as one of the greatest examples of American Chardonnay 和 celebrated for its remarkable ageability.

内幕消息: 参观这个标志性的酒庄是预订. You can book a tasting in advance at either the 马亚卡马斯 Downtown 品尝的房间 or the Vineyards Estate through the winery’s online reservation system.


677 St. 圣海伦娜公路. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)967-8032

图片由 植物弹簧

虽然正式成立于1978年,但葡萄第一次种植在这里 St. 海伦娜 property, located at the foot of the 马亚卡马斯, in the late 1800s, which marked the start of 植物弹簧迷人的历史. 这家酒厂生产几种不同的霞多丽酒, 每一种都有独特的风味, from the juicy 和 tropical Family Select Chardonnay to the limited-production Flora’s Legacy Chardonnay, 由一桶精选的最好的夏敦埃葡萄酒制成, 以纪念弗洛拉·科姆斯, 酒庄的灵感.

内幕消息: 植物弹簧 feels so strongly about the quality of their Chardonnay 和 other white wines that the winery has been a leading proponent of the movement to introduce the #whitewineemoji.

被子 & Co. 品尝的房间


被子 & Co.
图片由 被子 & Co.

位于纳帕市中心的中心, this tasting room concept is the passion project of fifth-generation winemaker 和 ag体育正规 native Joseph Wagner. You can taste through Joseph’s full portfolio of wines under one roof, 探索霞多丽葡萄的多种表达方式. 贝尔·格罗斯的航班, ag体育正规被子, 音乐节, Elouan, 其他人会突出独特的酸度, 香气, 橡木影响, 以及各种霞多丽风格的风味特征. 体验包括策划葡萄酒航班, 可共享的特征板, 与食物和葡萄酒的搭配合作 被子 & Co.隔壁的姐妹餐厅Avow.

内幕消息: 去不了品酒室了? 预订一个有指导的虚拟品尝体验与被子之一 & Co.’s knowledgeable staff members, complimentary with the purchase of six bottles.